Shapes, layers, and photonic crystals

import numpy as np
import legume

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
The autoreload extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext autoreload

Shapes and layers

Shapes and layers are the basic building blocks of a simulation in legume. A layer can contain any number of shapes. A layer is the fundamental object for the plane-wave expansion, while a photonic crystal made up of a number of layers is the fundamental object for the guided-mode expansion. Initializing a ShapesLayer class requires one positional argument lattice, which is an instance of the Lattice object. Let’s start by creating a lattice, a layer, and some shapes.

# Initialize a lattice (can be 'square', 'hexagonal', or defined by primitive vectors)
lattice = legume.Lattice('hexagonal')

# Initialize a layer with background permittivity 2
layer = legume.ShapesLayer(lattice, eps_b=2)

# Create a square and use the `add_shape` method to add it to the layer
square = legume.Square(eps=10, x_cent=0, y_cent=0, a=0.3)

# Create a circle and also add it to the layer
circle = legume.Circle(eps=6, x_cent=0.5, y_cent=0.3, r=0.2)

# Use an in-built visualization method to plot the contours of the shapes we have so far

Notice how the shapes are repeated in a hexagonal pattern, following the way we initialized our lattice. The above plot shows the shapes, but not the permittivity distribution. To see that, we can use another built-in method.

legume.viz.eps(layer, cbar=True)

Plane-wave expansion

The layer we consturcted can now be used to initialize a plane-wave expansion simulation. This also takes two keyword arugments:

  • gmax : Maximum reciprocal lattice wave-vector length in units of \(2\pi/a\)
  • eps_eff : Effective background epsilon; if None, take layer.eps_b. Setting this to a different value can be useful for simulations of an effective slab of a given thickness and at a particular frequency.
pwe = legume.PlaneWaveExp(layer, gmax=3)

We can plot the permittivity as “seen” by the PWE with a given gmax; in other words, we can plot the real-space permittivity from the Fourier components that will be used in the expansion. Notice how this gets closer to the real structure as gmax increases.

pwe = legume.PlaneWaveExp(layer, gmax=6)

We will not run the simulation here; this tutorial is only oriented towards building the simulation structures.

Photonic crystals

We can build photonic crystals made of one or more layers, and add various shapes. Let’s start with an example.

# Initialize a lattice (can be 'square', 'hexagonal', or defined by primitive vectors)
lattice = legume.Lattice('hexagonal')

# Initialize a PhC (optional kwargs are the permittivity in the lower and upper cladding)
phc = legume.PhotCryst(lattice, eps_l=1., eps_u=1.)

# Add a layer to the PhC with thickness 1 and background permittivity 10
phc.add_layer(d=1, eps_b=10)

# We can add shapes to the layer in two different ways:

# Create a square and use the layer `add_shape` method
square = legume.Square(x_cent=0, y_cent=0, a=0.3, eps=2)

# Create a circle and use the phc `add_shape` method
circle = legume.Circle(eps=6, x_cent=0.5, y_cent=0.3, r=0.2)
phc.add_shape([circle, square]) # by default added to the last layer; can add a list of shapes

# We can plot an overview of what we've built so far

Guided-mode expansion

Just like PWE, GME uses the Fourier transform (FT) of the shapes. The GuidedModeExp object also takes gmax as a keyword argument, and we can also plot the FT of the photonic crystal that we’re simulating.

gme = legume.GuidedModeExp(phc, gmax=5)

Multiple layers

We can also create and simulate a multi-layer structure!

# Add another layer to our existing photonic crystal
phc.add_layer(d=0.4, eps_b=8)

circle = legume.Circle(x_cent=0.1, r=0.2, eps=2)
phc.add_shape(circle) # always adds to the last layer

# Visualize the structure and compare to the FT
legume.viz.structure(phc, Ny=300)
gme = legume.GuidedModeExp(phc, gmax=5)
legume.viz.eps_ft(gme, Ny=300)

Shapes in the claddings

You can add shapes to the claddings too!

triangle = legume.Poly(x_edges=[-0.1, 0.5, 0.2], y_edges=[0, 0, 0.5], eps=4)
phc.add_shape(triangle, cladding=1) # you can also say cladding = 'l', or phc.cladding[0].add_shape(triangle)

# Plot the real-space overview
legume.viz.structure(phc, Ny=300, cladding=True)
gme = legume.GuidedModeExp(phc, gmax=5)
legume.viz.eps_ft(gme, Ny=300, cladding=True)


There are two important things to keep in mind: - Polygons should be defined such that the points circle their interior in a counter-clockwise manner. But don’t worry, if you don’t do that you’ll get a warning telling you to do it.

  • Shapes should not overlap. This might be fixed in the future, but right now here’s what happens if they do:
phc = legume.PhotCryst(lattice)
phc.add_layer(d=1, eps_b=12)
circle = legume.Circle(x_cent=0.1, r=0.2, eps=5)
square = legume.Square(a=0.3)
phc.add_shape([circle, square])

# Notice the discrepancy between the two plots. In the FT, the permittivity of the overlapping shapes is wrong -
# and so the simulation will be wrong!
legume.viz.structure(phc, Ny=300)
gme = legume.GuidedModeExp(phc, gmax=5)
legume.viz.eps_ft(gme, Ny=300)