
GuidedModeExp.set_run_options(gmode_compute='exact', gmode_inds: list = [0], gmode_npts: int = 1000, gmode_step: float = 0.01, gmode_tol: float = 1e-10, numeig: int = 10, compute_im: bool = True, gradients='exact', eig_solver='eigh', eig_sigma: float = 0.0, eps_eff='average', verbose: bool = True)

Set multiple options for the guided-mode expansion.

  • gmode_compute ({'exact', 'interp'}, optional) – Define whether the guided modes are computed exactly at every k-step (‘exact’), or computed in the beginning and then interpolated (‘interp’).
  • gmode_inds (list or np.ndarray, optional) – Indexes of modes to be included in the expansion. Default is [0].
  • gmode_npts (int, optional) – Number of points over which guided modes are computed. Default is 1000.
  • gmode_step (float, optional) – Step in frequency in the search for guided mode solutions. Default is 1e-2.
  • gmode_tol (float, optional) – Tolerance in the minimum and maximum frequency value when looking for the guided-mode solutions. Default is 1e-10.
  • numeig (int, optional) – Number of eigen-frequencies to be stored (starting from lowest). Default is 10.
  • compute_im (bool, optional) – Should the imaginary parts of the frequencies also be computed. Default is True.
  • gradients ({'exact', 'approx'}, optional) – Whether to compute ‘exact’ gradients, or ‘approx’ (faster).
  • eig_solver ({'eigh', 'eigsh'}, optional) – Eigenvalue solver, ‘eigh’ (numpy.linalg.eigh) or ‘eigsh’ (scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh)
  • eig_sigma (float, optional) – Target eigenvalue; numeig eigenvalues closest to eig_sigma are stored. Default is 0.
  • eps_eff ({'average', 'background', 'custom'}, optional) – Using the ‘average’, ‘background’ or a ‘custom’ permittivity of the layers in the guided mode computation. If ‘custom’, all the photonic crystal layers, including the claddings, must have a pre-set eps_eff.
  • verbose (bool, optional) – Print information at intermmediate steps. Default is True.